A 250-dollar Water Deposit is required for new service
Section 1 of Lakewood Ordinance 290 established a 250-dollar deposit requirement for new water service:
There is hereby established a security deposit of $250.00 to be paid by each applicant to secure the payment of cost for water service and refuse collection service in the City of Lakewood. The security deposit must be paid prior to the connection of water service and the providing of refuse collection service in the City of Lakewood.
Section 4 of the Ordinance allows the property owner to execute a Guaranty Agreement instead of the 250-dollar deposit:
In lieu of posting a security deposit as specified herein to secure the payment of water service and refuse collection service, all fee simple owners of the real property to which the service is to be provided may execute a Guaranty Agreement guarantying to pay all charges incurred to the City of Lakewood for water service and refuse collection service on the designated property being served. The property owner, at the discretion of the City Manager, may be required to furnish proof of ownership of the property.